Virtual Online Meeting!
Lisa Sorvig will share her personal entrepreneurial journey, with a frank discussion of challenges overcome, actionable advice for navigating your own investing journey, and valuable takeaways to drive your own success.
Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and connect with other women navigating their own unique entrepreneurial journeys.
We look forward to seeing you there!
“The most effective way to do it, is to do it!”
Amelia Earhart
MnREIA is offering a woman’s touch to real estate investing.
More and more seats at the MnREIA meetings are filling with women who have decided to take charge of their future and invest in real estate!
The Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association is now offering a Women’s Focus Group!
This group is open to women from all backgrounds!
- Women who are seasoned investors
- Women who are brand new to investing
- Women who have no idea what their husbands are investing in and want to learn more about it
- Women who would just like to get out of the house and network
This is a focus group for women only. During the meetings we will talk about current deals that you fabulous women are working on and discuss the challenges and successes you are having. It is a great place to meet others that are investing in real estate to gain insight and learn new techniques. It is a round table discussion and support group. A chance for us to build a network of our biggest cheerleaders!
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”
Sally Berger
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 804 823 3107
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