Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

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Two-4 Unit Thursday


All About Multi-Unit Properties

A two-to-four-unit property is a multi-family home, which is a single building that houses multiple families. Examples of multi-family homes include duplexes, apartment buildings, and condominiums. 

Multi-family homes can be a good investment for first-time homebuyers because they can be affordable, generate income, and offer tax breaks. However, they can also require more time, money, and overhead than single-family homes. Here are some things to consider when investing in a multi-family home: 

  • Financing
    The rules for financing a multi-family home depend on whether the owner plans to live in one of the units. If the owner doesn't plan to live in the property, they may be able to use projected rental income to qualify for a mortgage. 
  • Income
    Multi-family homes can generate multiple streams of income because they have multiple units to rent out. 
  • Maintenance
    Multi-family homes require more ma

Stay Focused Friday


Top Ways to Stay Focused and Thrive in Real Estate

Staying focused and productive in the competitive world of real estate requires strategic thinking, strong habits, and smart tools. Here are some tried-and-true methods to stay on top of your game and keep your career in real estate.

  1. Improve Time Management
    Time is one of the most valuable resources in real estate. To manage it effectively, set clear, achievable goals, prioritize tasks, and plan your day meticulously. A solid plan can help you work more efficiently and reduce stress, enabling you to handle client interactions, property visits, and administrative tasks seamlessly.
  1. Use the Pomodoro Technique
    To stay sharp and productive, break your work into intervals using the Pomodoro Technique. This method involves working in focused 25- or 55-minute blocks followed by short breaks. This approach helps maintain concentration, reduces burnout, and improves productivity over time.
  1. Eliminate Digital Distractions
    Digital distractions can significantly impact your productivity. Turn off notifications, set specific times to check your emails and social media, and use apps that help you stay focused. Minimizing interruptions will allow you to give your full attention to client needs and property research.
  1. Set Boundari

Sellers Are in For a Rude Awakening


25% of all listing had a price reduction last month and inventory levels are rising. We are still in a sellers’ market, but we are transitioning into a buyers’ market.  When that happens, sellers buyers become picking and stubborn sellers slowly become more receptive.  The first phase of this transition is for sellers to drop their asking prices, and that is starting to happen. 

The next phase, if interest rates remain high, will shock the sellers and if they have to sell, they will drastically drop their price to get a sale and that has a snowball affect on prices.  The only thing that can help the sellers now is for inventory levels to remain low and interest rates to drop a little.


Why We Need to Go Back to Live Events As Soon As Possible


I remember the first phone call I got back in March, 2020 from a REIA leader (Real Estate Investors Association) on a Saturday asking me what we were going to do now that they shut down the world and we couldn’t have live events anymore.  At that time I had no idea how to answer that question for 2 reasons.  First reason I wasn’t aware of that because I don’t watch the news and I spend as little time as possible on facebook and other social media platforms because everyone has become so negative.   And the second reason is that we were hosting a live event at that very moment so I told them that we would talk on Monday.

I just assumed that they were talking about their state and that it was not going to affect most of the country.  But by the time I turned a TV on Sunday night, almost the whole country was on lockdown.  That week Vena Jones-Cox from Cincinnati REIA was doing their first Online Main Meeting and there was over 600 people in attendance at that event including myself.  Everyone heard about the Cincinnati REIA and their topic was how to deal with tenant and real estate with all the new rules and restrictions that had been trust upon us in less than a week or 2 weeks for a lot of the country. 

At first it was fun for me and everyone working with new technologies and working through the challenges to adjust to the (don’t yell at me…) new normal.  People were working from home and we had to take all our training session that we have been

Is Now the Time to Sell?


The simple answer is yes.  The correct answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no.  There are many factors to take into consideration and there are pros and cons to selling at any time.

Here are the top 3 things you need to consider before answering that question for yourself.

  1. Do I/we need to sell right now?
  2. Do I/we need to buy another house when I/we sell?
  3. Why do I/we need to sell?

1) Do you really need to sell right now or are you just thinking about selling because of the high market prices?  There are many reasons to sell, but high market prices is probably the worst reason unless you are an investor.

2) If you need to purchase another house in order to sell, then you will have a hard time in a strong buyer’s market finding a replacement home.  In this case it would be best to find a new home first, then sell your existing home.  The problem is if you sell your current place, you will probably have to overbid on a property to get one under contract to close on your time frame.

3) Why do you need to sell right now? If you have a reason to sell then you will be able to make logical decisions because you have a clear reason.  If you just want to sell to see what the market will bring or to access cash from the property, then you might make some bad decisions because you don’t have a clear reason why.

If you have a clear reason why you have to sell, then give us a call because we have flexible options to might make the process a much more smother transition and most people tell us that it reduces their stress level knowing that they have a buyer that can work with them on their time schedule.